
Case reports are only accepted online at the Case Report Submission page by 7 April 2025. Authors must conform to the following guidelines and structure their reports accordingly. Entries not conforming to the guidelines will not be reviewed.

  • Entries must be written in English with single spacing.
  • Entries must be comprised of:
    • A title
    • Author names: First name(s) and last name(s). Full names are required
    • The affiliation (only one), including country, of each author
    • A body structured under Case Presentation, Investigations / Diagnosis / Treatment, Outcome and Follow up, Discussion and Implications
  • Any abbreviations should be defined where first mentioned.
  • A maximum of 350 words.
  • A MAXIMUM OF 10 FIGURES are allowed and must be uploaded separately.
  • Figure(s) must be numbered clearly (for example: Figure 1).
  • Figure(s) should be cited in the case report to which they belong.
  • We accept most figure formats: .jpeg, .tif, .gif, .eps etc.
  • A minimum resolution of 300 dpi is required.
  • Figure legend should appear in the case report text rather than as part of the figure file(s).
  • Tables should be embedded in the text editor containing the case report content.
  • Tables must be numbered clearly (for example: Table 2).
  • Tables should be cited in the case report to which they belong.
  • Table legends should appear in the case report text rather than as part of the table file.
  • Video must be provided separately.
  • We accept most video formats: .avi, .wmv, .mp4, etc.
  • Video must not exceed 8 minutes and its maximum file size would be 500 MB.
  • The filename of the video must be the title of the case report.
  • An author index will be generated automatically.
  • Case reports will not be edited and authors will not see proofs.
  • Resupplies, different versions of entries, or instructions to delete after submission will be considered depending on the timeframe.
  • Please anonymise the patient’s details, i.e. name, age, ethnicity, occupation, etc.
  • For living and deceased patients, candidates should have signed informed consent from the patient or a patient’s next of kin before submitting the Case Report. If you cannot get signed consent, you and your organisation must take responsibility to ensure that exhaustive attempts have been made to contact the patient or the family and that the Case Report is sufficiently anonymised not to cause harm to the patient or the family.
  • Notification of acceptance including details of the presentation format will be sent out on 12 May 2025. Questions about the case report submission process can be directed to