Call for
Case Reports / Videos

Shine a spotlight on your work

You are a busy physician treating patients every day. There is no doubt that you have encountered many challenging cases that required out-of-the-box solutions and unique treatment approaches. Have you thought of sharing your experience in solving these medical puzzles with your peers? Have you come across a situation where you wanted to share but until now were unable to find the right platform to do so?

The IDDF is pleased to invite attendees to submit their case reports to the JGH-IDDF Case/Video Championship. Not only will the authors of shortlisted case reports be invited to present their unique and pivotal cases but also enjoy the opportunity to shine a spotlight on their work at the IDDF.

Submit Now


Share your knowledge and expertise to improve patient care
Connect with peers, expand your professional network and gain recognition for your work on an  international stage
Compete for the JGH-IDDF Case/Video Championship and US$500 cash prize
Award Certificate jointly issued by the Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology (JGH) and the IDDF


Case reports should be in the following fields:
  • Gastroenterology
  • Hepatology
  • Endoscopy
Applicants of all ages are encouraged to apply.


Submission open.
28 March
Deadline for Submission.
12 MAY
Notification of shortlisted abstracts.
Presentation file submission