Abstracts are only accepted online at the Abstract Submission page by 7 April 2025. Authors must conform to the following guidelines and structure their abstracts accordingly. Abstracts not conforming to the guidelines will not be reviewed.
Abstracts must be written in English with single spacing.
Abstracts must be comprised of:
A title
Author names: First name(s) and last name(s). Full names are required
The affiliation (only one), including country, of each author
A body structured under Objectives, Subjects and Methods, Results and Conclusions
Any abbreviations should be defined where first mentioned.
A maximum of 350 words.
A MAXIMUM OF 6 FIGURES are allowed and must be uploaded separately.
Figure(s) must be numbered clearly (for example: Figure 1).
Figure(s) should be cited in the abstract to which they belong.
We accept most figure formats: .jpeg, .tif, .gif, .eps etc.
A minimum resolution of 300 dpi is required.
Figure legend should appear in the abstract text rather than as part of the figure file(s).
Tables should be embedded in the text editor containing the abstracts content.
Tables must be numbered clearly (for example: Table 2).
Tables should be cited in the abstract to which they belong.
Table legends should appear in the abstract text rather than as part of the table file.
An author index will be generated automatically.
Abstracts will not be edited and authors will not see proofs.
Obvious mistakes will be corrected and the abstracts will be amended to house style as appropriate.
Resupplies, different versions of abstracts, or instructions to delete after submission will be considered depending on the timeframe.
Authors of all abstracts are required to grant an exclusive licence on a worldwide basis to the BMJ and/or co-owners or contracting owning societies (where published by the BMJ on their behalf) in accordance with BMJ’s standard licence.
It is your responsibility to ensure that the corresponding/lead author of each abstract is aware that by submitting their work for publication they are agreeing to the terms and conditions of BMJ’s standard licence to publish for abstracts. As this is an exclusive licence, you must ensure that signed agreement is obtained from the author (which may be via electronic signature) and must be able to supply evidence of this to the BMJ upon written request.
Notification of acceptance including details of the presentation format will be sent out on 12 May 2025. Questions about the abstract submission process can be directed to
Outstanding abstracts will be selected and receive different tiers of rewards according to the quality of research.